

Königstraße 74
90402 Nürnberg

Phone +49 171 22 44 343



Chief Executive Office: Ramona Shabla, Assaad Maalouf

EU dispute settlement

In accordance with the Ordinance on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs (ODR Ordinance), we would like to inform you about the online dispute settlement platform (OS platform).
Consumers can submit complaints to the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform at You can find the necessary contact details above in our imprint.

However, we would like to point out that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.


Disclaimer of liability

Liability for the content of this website

We continuously develop the content of this website and strive to provide correct and current information. According to the Telemedia Act (TMG) §7 (1), as a service provider, we are responsible for our own information, which we provide for use, according to the general laws. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for those provided by third parties. As a service provider within the meaning of sections 8 to 10, we are not obliged to monitor the information that you transmit or store or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Our obligations to remove information or to block the use of information according to general laws based on judicial or official orders remain unaffected even in the event of our non-responsibility according to §§ 8 to 10.

If you notice problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately so that we can remove the illegal content. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites whose content we are not responsible for. We are not liable for linked websites because we had no knowledge of illegal activities and we have not noticed any such illegal activity so far and we would remove links immediately if we became aware of any illegal activity.

If you notice any illegal links on our website, please contact us. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Copyright notice

All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, videos) are subject to the copyright of the Federal Republic of Germany. Please ask us before you distribute, reproduce or exploit the content of this website, such as republishing it on other websites. If necessary, we will legally prosecute the unauthorized use of parts of the content on our site.

If you find content on this website that violates copyright, please contact us.